East Oxford Primary School

Expert Curriculum


At East Oxford Primary School, we have developed an "expert" curriculum which enables children to study and research themes in depth which generate high levels of interest and motivation. Our curriculum is unique in that the topic blocks have been developed by a working party of children in partnership with staff. We fulfil (and go beyond!) the orders for the revised National Curriculum. We also work in partnership with external organisations such as Quest for Learning and Oxfordshire Music Service to enhance our curriculum. 

Strong attention is given to ensuring that all our children make rapid progress in basic skills and apply these throughout their learning. Last year, children across the school made progress which was significantly better than that typically found nationally.

Early Years Foundation Stage. The core feature of our curriculum in the Foundation Stage is the close attention and detail paid to a strong child initiated and reactive curriculum. Regular parental Stay and Play sessions with personalised learning planning ensures that all children get off to a flying start at East Oxford. Our setting has a superb outdoor environment where children can access daily learning activities mirroring our indoor provision. 

KS1 The curriculum is based on a balance of formal teaching and close attention to each child's development in social skills, creativity, and understanding of the world. We have highly structured programmes in place for phonics and mathematics, as well as a dedicated support teacher and team of teaching assistants who deliver intervention where it is required. Children are grouped in single and mixed-age classes, but are always taught according to their individual needs. Learning at this age is practical, fun and creative and takes account of children's developing individual needs. We use Bug Club Phonics to develop early reading skills.

KS2 As children move to KS2, they learn to apply their skills to increasingly complex tasks through a variety of learning opportunities, including specific teaching in literacy and mathematics. We also introduce the teaching of Italian across KS2.

PSHE&C. We place a strong emphasis on PSHE&C and use the PSHE&C Association scheme of work. This supports our children in developing effective learning behaviours, emotional literacy, and understanding their place as citizens within the wider community. Click here to find out how we promote British values through our curriculum.

Please take time to read the documents on the right, which outline how we intend to deliver the National Curriculum over the coming year and what the key expectations are for each age group. Documents will be added here as they are completed.

Parents have a statutory right to withdraw their children from part of all of the RE curriculum. They should book a meeting with the headteacher if they wish to discuss this. If you wish to find out more about our curriculum, please request this information from the school office.

Cycle A (2024 - 2025)


Cycle B (2023-2024)


Early Years Foundation Stage






Foundation Subjects