East Oxford Primary School


 At East Oxford Primary School we aim to lay firm foundations for life-long learning.

 We work with parents and carers to give all children the best possible start in life, helping them to develop the key skills in reading, writing and mathematics they need for secondary school and life beyond.

 We offer a rich, broad and balanced curriculum that stimulates and inspires children’s imagination, confidence, creativity, and eagerness to learn, ensuring that every child has access to all available opportunities.

 We listen to children and enable them to develop responsibility and the social and learning skills to understand themselves, get on well with others, and aspire to be the best that they can be.

 We maintain a caring, happy and well-ordered environment in which children and adults feel supported and secure, through shared values, clear expectations, and expert guidance.

 We deepen children’s knowledge and understanding of others’ backgrounds, cultures and religions, celebrating and building on our rich diversity, and showing by example the respect and courtesy due to one another in an open and democratic society.


Our school values permeate the life of our school. They are:





