East Oxford Primary School


It is very important that your child attends school every day. We expect all children to achieve a minimum 95% attendance.

A child at 90% attendance will miss the equivalent of four full weeks of school over the course of each year ... at 80% this rises to eight weeks. This will lead to your child falling behind with their work, and making less progress than other children in the class.

Because this is so important, we will follow up any absences, by telephoning on the first day your child is not in school. Where there is a pattern of unauthorised or excessive absence, we will write to you and may require you to attend a meeting with the Headteacher. If your child's attendance does not improve, the school will refer parents to the Oxfordshire Attendance and Engagement Service, who have the power to take legal action against the parents of persistent absentees.

We will not authorise holidays abroad other than in exceptional circumstances. 

Further information about attendance can be found here.

You may also find these links helpful:

Absence due to sickness
Oxfordshire Council - lateness and absence